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Getting Started

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This section assumes you have already installed the Congo theme.

The config files that ship with Congo contain all of the possible settings that the theme recognises. By default, many of these are commented out but you can simply uncomment them to activate or change a specific feature.

There are a few things you should set in config.toml for a new installation:

# config/_default/config.toml

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-AU"
title = "My awesome website"

name = "My name"
image = "img/author.jpg"
bio = "A little bit about me"
links = [
  { twitter = "" }

The [author] configuration determines how the author information is displayed on the website. The image should be placed in the site’s static/ folder. Links will be displayed in the order they are listed.

Further detail about these configuration options is covered in the Configuration section.

Colour schemes #

Congo ships with a number of colour schemes out of the box. To change the scheme, simply set the colorScheme theme parameter. Valid options are congo (default), avocado, fire, ocean and slate.

# config/_default/params.toml

colorScheme = "congo"

Congo defines a three-colour palette that is used throughout the theme. Each main colour contains ten shades which are based upon the colours that are included in Tailwind.

Congo (default) #

Avocado #

Fire #

Ocean #

Slate #

Although these are the default schemes, you can also create your own. Refer to the Advanced Customisation section for details.

Organising content #

By default, Congo doesn’t force you to use a particular content type. In doing so you are free to define your content as you wish. You might prefer pages for a static site, posts for a blog, or projects for a portfolio.

The same logic applies to taxonomies. Some people prefer to use tags and categories, others prefer to use topics.

Hugo defaults to using posts, tags and categories out of the box and this will work fine if that’s what you want. If you wish to customise this, however, you can do so by creating the following files:

# config/_default/taxonomies.toml

topic = "topics"

This will replace the default tags and categories with topics. Refer to the Hugo Taxonomy docs for more information on naming taxonomies.

When you create a new taxonomy, you will need to adjust the navigation links on the website to point to the correct sections.

Congo has two menus that can be customised to suit the content and layout of your site. The main menu appears in the site header and the footer menu appears at the bottom of the page just above the copyright notice.

Both menus are configured in the menus.toml file.

# config/_default/menus.toml

  name = "Blog"
  pageRef = "posts"
  weight = 10

  name = "Topics"
  pageRef = "topics"
  weight = 20

  name = "Privacy"
  url = "https://external-link"

The name parameter specifies the text that is used in the menu link. You can also optionally provide a title which fills the HTML title attribute for the link.

The pageRef parameter allows you to easily reference Hugo content pages and taxonomies. It is the quickest way to configure the menu as you can simply refer to any Hugo content item and it will automatically build the correct link. To link to external URLs, the url parameter can be used.

Menu links will be sorted from lowest to highest weight, and then alphabetically by name.

Both menus are completely optional and can be commented out if not required. Use the template provided in the file as a guide.

Detailed configuration #

The steps above are the bare minimum configuration. If you now run hugo server you will be presented with a blank Congo website. Detailed configuration is covered in the Configuration section.